Monday, April 25, 2011

Exercise 3: Writing, Part 1

VJ Kadakia
Exercise 3: Writing, Part 1

This story takes place at a local park in the town of Basking Ridge, NJ. Pulling up to the parking lot, your first glimpse will be of a clean baseball field. Freshly grown green grass with a field of dirt that has been groomed to perfection. Birds are chirping and sky is crystal blue. As we step out of the car; to my left is my good friend Vinny. Recently he's been searching for jobs and hasn't had much luck. We decided to go to the park to cool off and free up our minds a bit. The air is warm and calming, allowing us to breath out all the stress from our day. As the sun beams down on us, we look across the field of grass ahead of us and notice a man-made dirt path that creeps into the woods. We decided to experience a little wilderness and get “in touch with nature.”
As we approached the woods, we hear the sounds of crackling branches and dried leaves beneath our feet. Finally shaded from the sun, we discuss potential issues as to why the job offers have all been turned down. A emotional frown gazes across my friend's face. The ground is still damp from the storm that happened a few days prior. We try to make our way towards a stream ahead of us by placing our feet on stones peaking out through the muddy ground. Hopping and skipping our way forward, we finally make it to the stream. Here our deep conversation begins as we vent out emotions and questions wondering through our heads. Trying to find solutions as to what the issue might have been. How can we improve? How can we move forward?
After an hour or so of conversing with one another, we decide that we need to better ourselves to make ourselves more attractive to recruiters and employers.

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